Friday, August 31, 2012


transition can be very difficult for many reasons, but one of the hardest for me, personally, is the unknown

have you ever taken the strengths finders test? one of my top strengths is futuristic. it comes as a strength when you are getting vision for a task, or when you really should look beyond your current circumstances for the potential light at the end of the tunnel... but often times, I see this "strength" as a weakness. here's why...

I have a very difficult time living in the moment. even if the moment is wonderful, I find myself looking beyond it to see what's coming next. it's almost a curse.

in transition--where we seem to find all times, I keep seeing how this futuristic thing is both a positive and a negative. you see, it's positive because I'm able to look beyond our current unknown, and see what might be coming down the pipe later on. however, when our future IS the unknown, I get myself into some trouble.

since I'm always looking ahead, I don't do well looking at what's directly in front of me. this is a problem when my whole house needs to be packed up and put into storage "pods". I don't want to do the every day tasks, I just want to think and plan about the things ahead.

right now, we don't know what's ahead. it's been about 5 weeks of this now--far too long for this futuristic girl. so my goal for this last week in the Springs is to take each day as it comes & do all that I can to not think about what is next.

my desire is to soak up each moment with my little girls before their 2nd birthday; to cherish this time with my husband where we get to do the mundane of life together day in and day out--since he doesn't have to go to work. I want to enjoy my last get togethers with friends and family, not  being so consumed with the fact that we're leaving, but simply enjoying each others company. and most of all, I want to prioritize my time with the Lord, the one who actually does know what is coming. but I don't want to be with Him to get answers--I really just long to be with Him.


Thursday, August 30, 2012

our update.

TheKrehbiels UPDATE


as I left off in my last blog...

we are moving quickly for a number of different reasons. Do we have to? no. But we think we should.

our plan is to pack up our home & move it all into a storage unit here in Colorado Springs next weekend. Then, by Monday, September 10, it is our hope to drive home to Minneapolis to spend a month with family & friends as we transition to the next place.

"what is the next place?" you may be wondering... well, right now, we're wondering the same thing! Right now, we are looking between Huntington Beach, California & Kansas City, Missouri. We feel like we know which one it is, but are waiting on some things to click into place before announcing it publicly :)

while we are in Minnesota, we are going to be focusing on recording some of the music the Lord has given us as a couple. We don't know exactly what that will look like, but God has been pretty clear with us that that is what we are supposed to do! exciting!

we could definitely use your prayer as we seek to finalize our plans! we will keep you updated with what's next as soon as we know :)

I'll post our update letter as well--which will give you more information on what's up!


Wednesday, August 29, 2012


I know, I know, once again, I haven't written in forever. Life just seems to get away with me sometimes. You know that feeling you get when it seems as though life is happening to you & you aren't the one doing life. That is exactly how I've felt over the last say... 4 years :) I think I'm beginning to come to terms with the idea that life may always look this way--non-stop, busy, with so many unexpected things popping up... daily. I think I just need to learn what it means to Carpe Diem, sieze the day, each day as it comes & not constantly be waiting for something that I've hoped or dreamed for to happen to me. It's much more likely that it will happen as you just make the most of each moment and truly cherish the season you are in.

wow... that's not what I was planning to write about... back to "transition"!

As you probably know, mostly through social media sites, our little family of four is packing up and moving out of Colorado Springs. We moved here nearly 2 years ago, knowing that it would be temporary, but having no idea it would be this temporary.

As of 5 weeks ago, things were going great, no bumps in the road, feeling confident in the possibility of "putting down roots" in the Springs. Josh had a solid job that he loved, we were close to family & hey, colorado is probably the best place on earth to raise your children :) We actually almost bought a home! We found a little place that was exactly what we were looking for and more for the right price. There was just something about it that we couldn't find peace over; so we moved on, believing God had something better for us.

3 days later is when the Lord began to encounter us & the possibility of leaving Colorado Springs came up in our conversation. 4 prophetic encounters and 5 days later, it became quite clear that our season in Colorado had come to an abrupt, yet beautiful, end.

no, Josh did not lose his job; however, what was in his heart to do at EHC was no longer one of the primary focuses of the ministry. We could have stayed, yet, God had other plans for us. And those were clear because of the way He had for-warned us 5 days before Josh's conversation with his boss/friend.

so here we are, 4 weeks later. approaching our final day of a huge moving sale, and preparing to pack up our home into what seems to be a million different boxes. I hate moving. yet at the same time, I have this quiet peace that keeps my heart excited and alive.

you may be wondering why we are moving so quickly... more on that later :)
